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3-Step Strategy to Outsourcing for Accountants

By now, you’ve heard the term “outsource” hundreds of times. We all know that outsource strategies could play a significant role in giving you the time and ability to bring more value to your clients, a true component of a “firm of the future.” But at the end of the day you’re left with one question, “How the heck do I start?!” The scariest idea when it comes to outsourcing is change. It’s tough to change and it doesn’t happen overnight, so take it one step at a time. It’s not as scary as it seems…

  1. Evaluate your current processes

    • Take a step back and really evaluate your current processes. I’ve found that many firms are in the dark when it comes to exactly how a project flows from start to finish. Take time to ask your staff, track a project through each step, and really learn the process. You’ll be surprised at all of the work that goes into something and you had no idea. Once you’ve got a handle on your processes, take a second to meet with your staff and write down the tasks that could be done by someone else. Understanding the details of how things are currently working will open your eyes to so many ways to streamline.

  2. Do your research

    • Once you’ve got an idea of what areas need streamlining, take some time to research your options. Two obvious ways to go are: 1) offshore 2) onshore. Many firms shy away from the offshore option, and with good reason. However, it can be a great resource for some. A handful of outsource companies even give you the option of offshore or onshore. We work in an industry where confidentiality is a #1 concern, so go with the option that you’re comfortable with and that your clients will jump on board with.

  3. Commit, commit, commit

    • You’ve taken the time to identify areas within your firm that need improvement, you’ve done your research, and now you’re scared to pull the trigger. I get it - I’m a CPA with a type A personality that wants to have control of everything. Something I’ve learned in the past few years, let someone do it for you! It’s not worth you or your staff’s time to spend hours on the tasks that you listed in step #1. Commit and go for it, 100%. If you’ve done your research, there’s nothing to be scared of. Your staff and your clients will thank you. You’ll even thank yourself.

Take a deep breath and start to embrace that scary word…say it with me, outsource! Imagine what you could do with more time. Focus on work that adds value. Spend more time with your family. Keep your staff happy. It’s a win-win for everyone.