It’s been 3.5 years since we took the leap and became entrepreneurs. Has it been everything I imagined it would be? Yes and no, and so much more. It’s been amazing to build something from the ground up with two awesome business partners, but we have big dreams and we’re still climbing…sometimes a bit slower than we would like. But no matter what happens in a day’s time, at the end of it, when I close my eyes at night, I am so very thankful to be on this journey and for the people that I’m sharing it with.
Rachel, my right-hand, my sounding board, but most importantly, my friend. We started out as co-workers at a CPA firm in San Diego 7 years ago…my how time flies. As all co-workers do, we collaborated on projects and grabbed lunch here and there, but I wouldn’t say we were best buds…at least not yet. It wasn’t until you came to me with an idea, a proposition that would eventually turn into our own company…I guess you knew how like-minded we really were, even before I did. Usually I analyze every decision I make, but this time I really didn’t. Something in me trusted the terrifying decision to leave my well-paying, consistent job and take a chance with someone that I was still getting to know. So there we were, June 2012, walking into our firm for the last time, staring at each other like deer in headlights…what were we thinking?! But it just made sense, it felt right. And now I sit, over 3 years later, reminiscing on the very beginning and knowing with every ounce of my being that it was the right decision. You have not only become my kick-ass business partner, but one of my dearest friends. At the end of the day, after we’ve poured our heart and soul into our work, we know that we support each other, not only in our business decisions but in our personal lives. I can call you with anything and know that you’ll be there in a second. You’re one of the most patient, thoughtful people I know and I’m so glad that I took my first job at that CPA firm 7 years ago. Who knew it would lead me here, running my own business with someone that has become such a big part of my life, and for that, I’m so very thankful.
Now onto our other rockstar business partner, Ned, who also happens to be my rockstar brother. Where to start?! We have always been super close, even when you would literally beat me up when we were younger. But starting something from nothing with someone I admire so much has been quite the blessing. Our business partnership started when Rach and I went to you with an idea and said “can you build it?!”…not knowing what the answer would be. Of course, like always, you said “sure!” And you have poured everything into making this happen for us. The late nights, the endless emails asking for more, the never-ending ideas…you’ve been there through it all and you’ve never wavered. You’re not only our amazing software developer, but our teammate and biggest supporter. Do you care about tax-basis reports and posting journal entries? My guess is probably not. But what you do care about is our happiness, seeing it all come together, making it happen. Some would find it difficult to work with family, but I find it to be one of the greatest gifts. I not only get to share my personal ups and downs with you, but my professional ups and downs as well, and you’re there through it all. And for that, I’m so very thankful.
So, to end this letter before I turn into a puddle of tears, I want to thank you, Rachel and Ned, for being you and for letting me be me. Thank you for the never-ending hard work, for fighting through these past few years with me, and for the faith in us as a team. Today and every day, I’m so very thankful for you both.